Natural Remedies for UTI‘s

Symptoms include: Burning, Stinging, Urging, Dull Pain, Aching Pains, Itching.

Common Causes of UTIs include: Bacterial infections, Fungal infections, Chemicals in cleaning products, Kidney stones

Natural Remedies (and what they treat):

Cantharis – Burning , cutting pains on urination. Worse at night. Better warmth, rubbing.

Apis – Burning, soreness, dull aching Pain, good for children and during pregnancy. Worse heat.

Arsenic – Burning pain in bladder, worse at night, better warm application.

Sepia – Chronic UTI , Pain lower abdomen, constant urging with burning.

Kreosotum – Violent itching, worse when passing urine.

Drink plenty of fluids / Inc Cranberry juice appears to inhibit growth of bacteria.

Avoid Spicy foods / use natural probiotics to help gut flora eg kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut.

Sarsaparilla Officinalis (Smilax)

Tropical Plant found in the canopy of the rainforests.

The indigenous people used the roots for joint pains, skin problems and UTI as it contains  a chemical called saponins.

Homoeopathically for  UTI due to kidney stones.

Burning sensation at end of urination pain around kidney area. Worse at night.

Can be taken in powder or pill form.

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