
What I can help with

This may help clear things up
Analysing  the Individual symptoms of each patient , I use  highly diluted medicines made from Natural substances . It stimulates the patients individual healing response and is a gentle and gradual form of treatment.

Yes.  Homeopathy looks at the whole symptom picture and can be used to cover many symptoms with one medicine.

It has been used safely for over 200 years. As it is diluted there are no side effects, it can be safely used alongside any current conventional medicines you may be taking. It can be used safely by all ages.

There are many studies over the years , from all countries showing the effectiveness of using Homeopathy. The HRI ( Homeopathic Research Institute ) has many  studies on their website .https://www.hri-research.org/about-hri/

Initial consultation is approx 60-70 minutes . It is important to have complete understanding of your symptoms , Medical  History to be able to select the correct medicines for your individual symptoms.

Follow up appointments are approx 30-45 minutes . Follow up appointments are normally 6-8 weeks apart , this depend on many factors including how long you have had the condition and overall level of health.

I can offer a range of Virtual or face to face consultations . Some clients prefer to have a virtual consultation in the comfort of their own home , can reduce stress , saving costs on travel and time.

Simply Health Insurance . Bupa . Aviva. Pinnacle. Best Health. Vitality .Other companies- Please check your policy as it maybe covered.

Stress, Anxiety, Low Mood, Chronic fatigue syndrome IBS, Stomach Conditions, Blood Sugar Balance (Pre-Diabetic), Allergies, Respiratory problems, Menopause, Migraines / Headaches, Acute conditions, Coughs, Colds, food poisoning, infections, Sports injuries, Muscular/ Joint conditions, Chronic problems, Arthritis, Pain relief, Skin conditions.