Hay Fever and Allergies

Symptoms can include: Sneezing, Wheezing, Runny Nose, Itchy Eyes, Burning Sensations in Eyes/Throat, Acrid Mucus Secretions, Dry Cough, feels as though foreign body is in throat.

Natural Remedies (and what they treat):

Ambrosia – Sneezing, Stuffed-Up Feeling in Nose and Head. Itchy Eyes.

Allium Cepa – Runny Nose and very watery eyes. Better in open air.

Arundo – Itching and burning in roof of mouth and nose. Sneezing.

Dulcamara – Onset late summer. Profuse watery runny nose. Worse cold open air. Better moving about.

Sabadilla – Red watery eyes, Itchy, persistent sneezing. Worse in the afternoon.

Here are my recommended remedies:

Chamomile Tea – Anti-inflammatory / Anti Histamine properties. Can also use tea bags on red swollen eyes (cold).

Lemon, Peppermint and Lavender Oil  – inhaled or in a diffuser.

Weleda Mixed Pollens – 18 different pollens, good to use from March.

Homeopathic Medicines in 30c, suck one an hour until symptoms improve.

Homeopathic Tincture – 8 -10 drops in water up to 3 times a day.

Contact me for a free 15-minute consultation on medicines and doses.

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