Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine with the aim of triggering the body’s own healing mechanism and stimulating your own immune system.
There are no side effects and it can safely be used alongside any other treatments or medicines. It is a symptom based medicine using the principle of like treats like. It is a gentle, gradual process treating each patient with specific medicine for their own symptoms. It does take time to rebuild your defence, it is time well spent and can enhance your quality of life.
In our modern day life it is hard not to suffer from everyday stresses
and anxiety, Homeopathy can help with the symptoms, with no known side effects.
Hot Flushes , Mood Swings , Anxiety can all be helped with this Natural form of medicine.
IBS/stomach conditions
Using Homeopathy in conjunction with Diet , changes of Lifestyle can all assist with feeling better.
Increased Immunity
Homeopathy can be used to stimulate your overall immune system with the aim of achieving good
health and wellbeing.
I was amazed how quick the results were for my acute ear infection. I am now continuing with Homeopathy for my health.
I am pleased I have used Homeopathy for my Anxiety it works really well.
The pain and discomfort I endured for several months due to diverticulitis was relieved with the help of Homeopathic intervention. For which I am very grateful.
It is a good alternative medicine, it definitely works for me and my general health.
A friend introduced me to Homeopathy and Lucille, whom I have seen on a regular basis for just over a year for chronic arthritic pain and all that comes with it. I have had positive results and I can’t imagine my life without it. I haven’t looked back.
After suffering for quite some time with hot flushes, headaches, lack of sleep, irritability, tiredness, and anxiety I am relieved to say my symptoms have radically improved after just one course of treatment! I’d most certainly recommend trying Homeopathy with Lucille to my friends and family.
I have had now a few visits to Lucille and I am progressing very well. I can highly recommend her as she listens, advises and is very compassionate about the problems you may have. If you get a chance to go to one of her evening talks they are relaxed, friendly and informative
I was at the end of my tether when a friend told me about Lucille Cowell.
I was navigating IBS and 23 symptoms of Menopause but as a Breast Cancer patient was not allowed HRT. A hospital consultant advised me to read up on natural therapies to see if they could help with my symptoms. I was reluctant to decide myself the best remedies to use.
I had a consultation with Lucille, and we discussed me. 1.5 hours later I left with a sleep remedy, one for fatigue, a pro-biotic and a powder to help with menopause symptoms.
The improvement was life changing.
The pro-biotic has helped with my varied digestive problems and with fatigue and I continue to take this daily. The drops that help with fatigue have been a game changer to brain fog and tiredness – I still take this but tend to only need one dose a day. The powder for other menopause symptoms has improved my outlook and helped with many of the symptoms I have been suffering with for 3 years, including hot flushes and night sweats. I cannot thank Lucille enough. 😊
‘I had been dealing with feeling anxious in certain situations but didn’t want to take prescribed medication if possible. It was getting me down and I had a big life event coming up that I felt my anxiety would ruin. My wife suggested me seeing Lucille as she helped her mum a lot with another condition. Lucille was kind, patient and approachable and seemed to know very quickly why I got the symptoms I did. We tried a few remedies and in the end settled on some homeopathic tablets which worked instantly and so effectively. I’ve not had the symptoms I went in with since using this. I would highly recommend Lucille.’
what I can help with
This may help clear things up

Analysing the Individual symptoms of each patient , I use highly diluted medicines made from Natural substances . It stimulates the patients individual healing response and is a gentle and gradual form of treatment.

Yes. Homeopathy looks at the whole symptom picture and can be used to cover many symptoms with one medicine.

It has been used safely for over 200 years. As it is diluted there are no side effects, it can be safely used alongside any current conventional medicines you may be taking. It can be used safely by all ages.

There are many studies over the years , from all countries showing the effectiveness of using Homeopathy. The HRI ( Homeopathic Research Institute ) has many studies on their website .

The art and science of Naturopathy consist of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention using natural therapies to achieve or maintain optimum health. Looks at diet, lifestyle, uses functional testing if required.

Initial consultation is approx 60-70 minutes . It is important to have complete understanding of your symptoms , Medical History to be able to select the correct medicines for your individual symptoms.

Follow up appointments are approx 30-45 minutes . Follow up appointments are normally 6-8 weeks apart , this depend on many factors including how long you have had the condition and overall level of health.

I can offer a range of Virtual or face to face consultations . Some clients prefer to have a virtual consultation in the comfort of their own home , can reduce stress , saving costs on travel and time.

Simply Health Insurance . Bupa . Aviva. Pinnacle. Best Health. Vitality .Other companies- Please check your policy as it maybe covered.
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